Welcome to Wacky Wednesday! & Thank YOU!

17 Oct

Before I get into the wackieness (wait, is that even a word? my spell check says it isn’t. oh well, I’m rolling with it.) of today, I wanted to give a shout out to my readers! Yesterday was my biggest blog reading day to date and I have YOU to thank! It was a fun surprise to open up my stats and discover so many had read my blogs material. Your reading support helps keep me motivated to write these fun posts. I welcome comments and suggestions on what you are enjoying or would enjoy reading on this blog.

You ready for this wackieness?!  Today is the first of  many wacky Wednesdays to come. If you recall from my previous post, these will be days for a challenge. The challenges will be varied, but always something fun and creative. So, put on your thinking caps…ready set go!

This weeks challenge comes to you from a nearly undisturbed pile of color…

Wait, did I hear a chuckle?! Don’t be fooled, there are many things  pipe-cleaners can be used for.  🙂   Mack, Little One, and I have already come up with several ideas.

The challenge (hear the drum roll):

Come up with as many child centered ideas on what pipe cleaners can be created into/used for.

Have a fun week with this challenge. Don’t forget to put the ideas you came up with in next weeks challenge comments.

And as always, leaving a comment below is always appreciated!

Be creative,

Nanny G

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