Kool-aide twist

28 Oct

I have seen and done the shaving cream and paint idea with Mack several times. Have never tried it with Little One because he is still putting things in his mouth. Plus, I have never liked the smell of shaving cream. (If anyone has found one that smells decent, please let me know!)

Came up with my own twist to this one that even little one can do. You will need Kool-aide (non sweetened) and whipping cream. I just purchased the already made kind in the squirt can but one could make their own as well. Simply squirt little piles of whipped cream  and sprinkle with kool-aide.

This worked great for Little One. He was a little leery of the idea initially but then really had some fun with it! As observed from prior behavior he did try the mixture. Didn’t care too much for it though 🙂 I am guessing the kool-aide has a bitter flavor to it.




Think outside the box,

Nanny G


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